Contact Us
We’re always happy to hear from our customers. Whether you have a question about a trip, want to share a story about your recent visit, or just want to know what else you can do while you’re in the area – please reach out and we would be happy to help!
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Zoar Outdoor: 7 Main St. Charlemont, Massachusetts
Get Directions
Mailing Address
PO Box 245
Charlemont, MA, 01339
Zoar Outdoor is located in Charlemont, Massachusetts on Route 2 West, between Greenfield and North Adams, 18 miles west of Route 91 north on the Deerfield River. Drivetimes: 2 hours from Boston and New Haven, 3 hours from Providence and New York City.
Office Hours
In Season
7 days a week: 9 am – 5 pm
Off Season
Monday through Friday: 10 am – 4 pm
Closed Thanksgiving, Opt Outside (Friday of Thanksgiving), Christmas & New Year’s Day (Federal observance schedule is followed)
Press Inquiries
Media Contact: Nathan Marr
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